vasthu for Children and family members :

vasthu shastra, the ancient architectural practice of India, covers each and every aspect of a house, right from the kitchen, children room and to the garage.

The aspect of designing your kid's room and Family members room as per vasthu ensures that the whole ambience contributes to your child’s welfare and other development, mental as well as physical.

vasthu for Dining Room:

Dining room is a very important part of the house and should be carefully planned.

There are people who live in small house think that a dining room is not really required, but it is good to have one rather than having your meals in any part of the home.

vasthu for Drawing Room:

The drawing room is as important as any other room. Just as the rest of the house should be planned according to vasthu guidelines, so should be the drawing room also.

It is one part of the house where the members spend a lot of time and which is also used to entertain guests.
